Wednesday, May 22, 2024

"Achieve an Exceptional 800+ Credit Score in Just 5 Days: Proven Strategies"

Here is a 150-word summary of the given text, written in a professional tone and structured with bullet points, bold key phrases, and headings, in HTML format:

Credit Scores: Banker Misconceptions and Tips for Building an 800 Score

Banker Misconceptions

  • Bankers may not have a strong understanding of the credit underwriting process or their own products.
  • Myth: It takes a long time to get an 800 credit score - This is not true, as a good authorized user account can give you an 800 score in 30-45 days.
  • Myth: An 800 credit score guarantees instant loan approval - Even with an 800 score, high debt-to-income ratios can lead to loan denials.

Tips for Building an 800 Credit Score

  • Maintain 3 open revolving accounts with utilization under 10%
  • Have at least one loan on your credit file - Paying off loans can actually cause your score to drop by 40 points.
  • Beware of Vantage scores - They may differ from your actual FICO scores by 50-80 points.
  • Strategically add authorized users - No more than 1-2 for best results, and focus on FICO 9 institutions.

For more information on business credit funding, personal credit funding, or negative item removal, click the link in the description to schedule a consultation.

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